

The College of Fisheries strives for excellence both in teaching and research, and aspires to beinternationallyrecognizedfor aquaculture research and teaching.

The College of Fisheries was set up in 1993 and originated from the Department of Fisheriesin1970. In its long history,the college is the earlist established fisheries college in agricultural universities in China. TheCollegehas beenawardedthestatus ofNationalKeyDisciplines of Aquaculturewhich permits it to confer PhD degrees. After 50 years development the College is a national center for undergraduate and postgraduate aquaculture education, forresearchand academic exchange.

Currently, the College comprises a total of95staffs, including29professors,35associate professors,.Our staff havebeenrecognizedfor their excellence,includingonewho have been awarded SpecialGovernmentAllowances(StateCouncil), one member of theAcademicDegreeCommittee of theStateCouncil,onewinner ofthe NationalDistinguishedScientistFund,two winners of the National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund,four winners ofthe New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Plan(Ministry of Education),twoExcellence in TeachingAward (Hubei Province), five recipients of the Excellent Young Scientist Fund.There are 5 post scientists in the national modern agricultural industrial technology system, and 2 excellent young and middle-aged scientific and technological innovation teams in Colleges and universities of Hubei Province. 11 teachers hold the posts of director, director or editorial board of journals and magazines in relevant academic institutions at home and abroad.

The College occupies a 9200 m2building with a widerange of equipment for aquaculture researchand for teaching. We also have a Central Facilities Laboratory equipped withstate of the artequipment.The College isrecognizedfor its fresh water animal research and teaching- it is aNational Center of Aquaculture Experimental Teaching,theKeyLaboratory ofFreshwaterAnimalBreeding(Ministry ofAgriculture),the Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction(Ministry of Education), andtheCooperative Innovation Center of Freshwater Aquaculture(Hubei Province),Engineering Research Center of Green development for Conventional Aquatic Biological Industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Ministry of Education.

The research efforts of the College are focused on four Strategic Areas (Freshwater animal reproduction and breeding, Fish resources andsustainableaquaculture, Freshwater animal nutrition, and Freshwater animal diseases and immunology). Faculty members have well-established strengths inthese four strategic areas ofresearch. Our researchis published in top, international peer-reviewed journal, we have established productive links with other national and international research groups,and our students have won many awards within the university.In the last five years,staff at the College havewon 5 academic awards and published666academic papers. Furthermore, ourstaffhavepublished more than thirty monographs and textbooks, among them, threetextbooksfor the 21stcenturyteachingmaterials, sevencore curriculum booksfor nationalteaching, and onebookof excellent teaching material for the higher agricultural colleges.

Currently, the College comprises a total of1229students, including874undergraduates, 284 MPhil students,62 PhD students, and 15 international postgraduate students. Our teaching and out-of-classroom activities are specifically designed to produce creative, analytical and critical thinkers who are prepared to meet the challenges presented by the rapidly changing world. Careers of our graduates range from academic research to government, scientific organizations, management, industry and teaching, both in China and overseas.

International exchange
