Huangyou NO.1


POSTTIME : 2020-10-21

The early research results and production practice of the yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) team led by Professor Qi-Xue Fan ofthe College of Fisheries showed that the hybridbetweenP. fulvidraco females andP. vachelli males had bettercultivation characteristics thanits female parent. Since 2010,Prof. Fan’s team have started the genetic selection of new varieties with the support byHuazhong Agricultural University, National Sci-TechSupportPlan,NationalModernAgriculturalIndustryTechnologySystem, National SparkPlan, etc. In April 2019, the new variety "HuangYou No.1"was certificated by theNational Committee for Examination and Approval of Primary and Improved Aquatic Products. The new variety "HuangYou No.1" displays higher survival rate, better growth performance,good flesh quality,andhigh marketrecognition. Currently, ithas been promotedand distributednationwide.

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